Creating a New Concrete

Using space age materials and streaming them directly into a concrete steam as it is placed is changing the way concrete will be used.  Addressing the issues of fibers in concrete specified in ASTM D7508 as currently published, but enabling the use of new materials, TNSR Systems is a bridge to creating the ultimate Green Building…one that lasts a millimeum. What is the carbon footprint of a building’s construction if you divide it by a thousand year life?

Fiber reinforced concrete (FRC) is an expanding market with an ancient lineage.  Different kinds of fibers (steel, glass, synthetic) are used today to accomplish tasks like making the concrete less likely to crack in drying, but the goal of greatly increasing the durability and tensile strength of concrete has not been achieved.

Whatever the use, the typical application involves including the fibers into the actual concrete mixture and manufacturers are starting to announce that their fiber content is prepared to move ahead of steel mesh in those particular applications.

TNSR Systems delivery mechanism creates a superior concrete by streaming fibers into the concrete stream as it is placed.  In addition, the density can be manipulated at time of delivery by controlling the RPM of the tool. Total versatility!

“TNSR Systems Whitepaper”, pg 6