Create TNSR Lockbox
The central core of the company on the Ethereum blockchain can now be created. TNSR Lockbox is the checking account. Like any bank account, you make deposits, you pay your bills, and there are always banking fees! Fees in the Ethereum world are called “ethereum gas” , or just “gas” , and are related to the amount of computation time that is required to execute some task on the blockchain. Unlike a real bank, you’re only paying for the transactions you direct. No monthly fees! Statements are always available. Forever.
One example of strict SEC regulations relating to stocks and banking is 17 CFR 230.419 which deals with blank check companies. There are myriad requirements about making accounting for their funds transparent.
The TNSR Lockbox is perfectly transparent on several levels. First off, it’s all on the blockchain where any authorized person can see every transaction ever made. Every debit is driven from the double entry accounting system which is also visible at AP Batches. Every credit is logged uniformly to mark it’s origin.
And once again its important to note that any discrepancy detected by the system generates a cascading shutdown of the cluster.